Merry Be-lated Christmas everyone!
Please find the agenda for the January Council Meeting here:
I would like to apologize for my tardiness at getting the agenda and information out to you so late.
We were working on finalizing details with our host Bethel and then Christmas happened and time just got away from me.
But that is no excuse, and I do apologize!
A little information for the January Grand Guardian Council meeting:
We are doing something a little new, and different! We have asked Winner to host our January meeting, and they have accepted!
I think that this will be fun, as not many people have traveled to Winner, or seen their Bethel… so it’s a little road trip!!
Bethel #21 will be providing lunch for us, for a free will donation. We do not have any planned activities for the evening, however if you wish to stay the night in Winner, I would like to encourage you to contact Bethel #21 for hotel suggestions.
The information is in the agenda, but for date and time information:
Date: Saturday January 14th, 2017
Board meeting at 10am (if the Board wishes to meet earlier than that time, please let us know)
Lunch: 11:30 (if you could give us an estimate of how many are coming, by 7th, that would be appreciated!)
Meeting: 12:30
We can’t wait to see everyone there!
Have a Safe and Happy New Year!
Jobie Love,
Carrie Bunkowske
Grand Guardian