Join Bethel #12 and Bethel #44 for a 5K Color Fun Run/Walk benefiting HIKE on September 28, 2019.
Time: Registration and Check-In 8:00-8:45 AM Race Starts at 9:00 AM
Starting location: Central States Fairground Race follows the bike path.
Entry fee: $25.00 pre-registration $30.00 the day of the race
Reason: This race is to help raise money for the Hearing Improvement Kids Endowment (H.I.K.E.) Fund. The charity helps to provide hearing devices for children. All proceeds will be donated to this fund. Check out it out at http://www.thehikefund.org
Registration form is here.
Register by September 1 to guarantee your T-shirt!
Are you interested in giving a donation toward this event? Contact Jen Blake (jenbin822@msn.com) for more information!