Scrapbook Pages

Hello my fellow Jobies!

This is the letter talking about scrapbooks for Grand Bethel Honored Queen Audra and Miss SD Job’s Daughter Alicia.

If your Bethel could make at least one 12×12 page for each of the scrapbooks, that would be great! In these pages please put a lot of fun pictures from events, and incorporate their themes and colors into them as well.

I would appreciate if I could receive these by May 1st.  If you cannot meet that date, then just give them to me on the first day of grand at the latest, please. You can mail them to me.

Hope you all have been having a wonderful year, and I cannot wait to see everyone at Grand!

With Jobie Love,


SD Grand Bethel Senior Princess


Scrapbook pages for Grand Guardian Carrie and Associate Grand Guardian Shawn should be 12 x 12 and can be sent to Grand Guide Jen Blake or brought to Grand Bethel.  Remember, “Every Piece Matters,” so share your memories and let’s give the Grand Family scrapbooks that they will cherish for a long time to come!  For more information contact Jen.