Committee Members
2023: Jessica Stanek, PGG
2025: Karen Willis, PGG
The GGC has approved the use of electronic warrants to help speed the process of reimbursement. Find out more about the process here.
From the by-laws
(c) Finance Committee
(1) The committee shall be composed of three (3) members. Elected GGC officers and Board of Trustees members shall not serve on this committee. At each Annual Session of the GGC one (1) member shall be appointed for three (3) years.
[a] The committee term shall coincide and begin with the first written warrant of the grand session fiscal year and continue until the completion of the financial audit which shall occur no later than September 30th of each year.
(2) Appointment to this committee shall require prior approval of the Board of Trustees based on the individual’s financial qualifications and general knowledge of the Constitution and Bylaws of Job’s Daughters International
(3) The duties of this committee are as follows
[a] Approve or disapprove before expenditure any accounts which are to be presented as itemized claims against the GGC. Invoices for budgeted items may be approved by the chairman alone as long as they are clearly within the realm of the budget. Such invoices shall be handled in accordance with procedures agreed upon by the Board of Trustees. All accounts, invoices and vouchers shall be returned to the Grand Treas. Office for filing. The Chairman of Finance, and if necessary Finance Committee members, shall sign all warrants which shall then be forwarded to the Grand Treasurer for payment. If a warrant is not approved, it shall be referred to the GGC for action.
[b] Carefully investigate and report to the GGC, or if between Annual Sessions, to the Board of Trustees, Grand Guardian, and Associate Grand Guardian, on all proposed matters concerning disbursement of GGC funds which exceed budget before the same can be put in operation.
[c] Confer with the Board of Trustees, Grand Guardian, Associate Grand Guardian and Grand Treasurer relative to the transfer of necessary funds, when, in the judgment of the Finance Committee, the best interests of the Order shall be served. The Finance Committee shall order the transfer when approved by a majority of those named.
(1) Vice Grand Guardian shall be allowed reimbursement of reasonable expenses incurred in preparation for her upcoming session needs, not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00). Such monies shall be replaced as funds are raised before the end of her term as GG, or immediately if she vacates her office. The VGG shall maintain a record of all income and expenses incurred during her term to be audited by the Audit Committee at the first meeting held after the Annual Session of the GGC. All invoices and vouchers shall be presented for payment in accordance with procedures agreed upon by the Board of Trustees.
(2) Grand Guide shall be allowed reimbursement of reasonable expenses incurred in preparation for her fund raising project. Such monies shall be reimbursed from funds raised by the Grand Guide, who shall maintain a record of all income and expenses incurred during her term to be audited by the Audit Committee at the first meeting held after the Annual Session of the GGC. All invoices and vouchers shall be presented for payment in accordance with procedures agreed upon by the Board of Trustees.
[d] Prepare and submit detailed budgets of estimated income and disbursements for the ensuing year for the Grand Guardian Council and the Grand Bethel. Copies of said budgets shall be distributed to the Grand Secretary thirty (30) days prior to the Annual Session of the GGC. The Grand Secretary shall distribute copies of said budgets to each voting delegate fifteen (15) days prior to the Annual Session of the GGC for adoption. The Committee will present the proposed budget at the Annual Session of the GGC.
[e] Determine the amount charged for a copy of the annual proceedings.
(4) The chairman shall keep a permanent file which shall be turned over to her/his successor.
(5) The chairman shall serve on the Educational Scholarship Committee.
(6) The chairman shall serve as a member ex-officio of the Board of Trustees.