Committee Members
2023: Sarah Vanneman-Maskovich, GG and Tyler Peoples, AGG
From the by-laws
(i) Session Arrangements Committee
(1) The committee shall be composed of the Grand Guardian, the Associate Grand Guardian, the General Chairman, and others as needed.
(2) The duty of this committee is to coordinate arrangements for the Annual Session.
(3) The Grand Guardian shall appoint the chairman of this committee.
(4) The chairman shall keep a permanent file which shall be turned over to her/his successor.
(5) There shall be a Session Finance Chairman
[a] The Vice Grand Guardian shall recommend the chairman for this committee to the Grand Guardian for appointment.
[b] The Session Finance Chairman shall open a checking account with the Grand Secretary or Grand Treasurer as an alternative signer 45 days prior to the Annual Session of the GGC and maintain a set of financial records of all income and expenses for the Grand Session year.
[c] The books will be closed and audited no later than September 30th after the Annual Session of the GGC. A copy of the report and audit will be printed in the proceedings.
[d] The funds, report and records will be turned over to the Grand Secretary.
[e] The Board of Trustees shall supervise the Session Finance Chairman.