Mission Statement: The mission of the Grand Guardian Council is to support the Bethel Councils and Daughters of South Dakota Job’s Daughters through advisement, encouragement and need.
Standing Committees
- Appeals & Grievances
- Board of Trustees
- Educational Scholarship
- Finance
- Fraternal Relations
- Jurisprudence
- Promotion
Special Committees
- Amethyst, Degree of Royal Purple & Lily of the Valley
- Audit
- Grand Bethel
- Historian
- JDI Knowledge
- Miss SDJD
- Paraphernalia
- Promotion & Membership
- Publication—Newsletter & Web Master
- Spirit Ambassadors
- Ways and Means
Session Committees
- Arts and Crafts
- Courtesy
- Credentials
- Grand Session Housing
- March Director
- Medallions and Flags
- Music
- Necrology
- Parliamentarian
- Registration
- Ritual Competition
- Session Arrangements
- Session Finance
- Session General Chair
- Session Location
- Talent Show
Events and Projects