Committee Members
2023: Glen Rice, PAGG
2024: Laura Brown and Toni Richardson, PGG
2025: Danette Bryant
From the by-laws
(f) Promotion Committee
(1) The committee shall be composed of three (3) members. At each Annual Session, one (1) member shall be appointed for three (3) years.
(2) The duties of the committee are as follows:
[a] Promote the establishment of new Bethels in the SD GGC jurisdiction.
[b] Promote activities of Job’s Daughters to Masonic fraternities and to the general public.
[c] Survey the situation in Bethels whose memberships have declined to a point where their existence is jeopardized and organize programs to strengthen such Bethels.
[d] Promote establishment and operation of Jobies to Be programs in the SD GGC jurisdiction.
(3) Expenses for the committee are funded by the SD GGC budget item for Promotion.
(4) The chairman shall keep a permanent file which shall be turned over to her/his successor.
(5) An inventory of materials and a report of transactions will be presented to the Grand Secretary by the first meeting held after the Annual Session of the GGC.